Dr. William and Jean Tiller

Dr. William A. Tiller (1929-2022), physicist, with Jean Tiller (1931-2021), co-researcher and partner in life for seventy years are featured contributors to our book, The Power of Love. Bill was a fellow of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science, and Professor Emeritus of Stanford University’s Department of Materials Science. He worked as a scientist for fifty years in two parallel tracks, each highly regarded in its own right. In his professional track, that of conventional science, he has published over 450 papers, three books, and several patents. He became a world-class expert in the area of crystallization, with books on the topic published by Cambridge University Press. In his avocational track, which began early in his career at Stanford, Tiller pioneered serious experimental and theoretical study of the field of psychoenergetics, which he predicted will become an integral part of tomorrow’s physics. In this new area, he has published an additional 150+ articles and four seminal books, including: Psychoenergetic Science: A Second Copernican-Scale Revolution. The Tiller Foundation website offers free downloadable White Papers that give the history, descriptions, theories, mathematics, and outcomes of his cutting-edge experiments into what he sees as a multidimensional universe. His research demonstrates the critical role of human consciousness in shaping our environment, health, and psychology—in other words, human intention has a definitive influence in the world. With Jean’s extraordinary gifts of intuition, emotional intelligence, and meditation skill, she was a crucial collaborator in Tiller’s experiments.

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